I'm getting a little Bored with this now.
Well, as you can see from the picture I cleaned the face of the block and other than some surface corrosion around the waterways the top face looks ok. I have yet to check it with a straight edge but fingers crossed. There is no damage to the tops of the pistons so if I have damaged the rings they certainly did not exit the engine from the top. I wound the engine over by the fan (very little resistance and no tight spots) to check the bores out. There is a little wear but nothing that I shall lose any sleep over. In fact once I cleaned the pistons I could see that the block has already been bored out once before and has +20 pistons fitted. As luck (well ebay actually) would have it I have got a set of brand new +30 pistons that were meant for my friends spare engine. But, seeing as he has yet to give me any money (to be fair I can't remember if I actually told him I bought them) I could always use them myself.

So the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately my finances are not, endless that is.
I took the head to work to remove all the studs and clean it up. On inspection the valves are all in one piece, although I have yet to take them out and look at the seat areas. I can see no cracks in the head either between the valves or between a valve and the spark plugs so with luck a light skim and regrind of the valves should see it fit for use. I just need to buy a gasket set, some engine paint (I did have some but can't find it) and set aside the time to do the work. If the weather holds for the weekend I shall do it then. There are a couple of other things to do while the engine is partially stripped. The inspection covers on the side of the block are leaking a little oil so new gaskets there then. The core plug still needs to be replaced. To do this the oil filter will have to come out. Not a bad thing as it will force me to change the oil, which is no doubt well and truely cooked. I will also degrease the block and give that a coat of paint to freshen that up, the rocker cover can be painted. I want an alloy one but there are other things I need to buy first. I guess I really should make the effort to fit the new temperature and oil pressure gauge as well. I may even go mad and fit the new oil cooler I originally bought for my mini but never fitted. While I'm doing that I may as well fit the oil stat. It goes on and on.
Somehow I need to draw a line before I do a full on restoration.
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